Cruise ship or Custom Skippered Charter? Comparing Cruising Choices in the Caribbean

Should I chose an all-inclusive cruise ship or book a skippered charter in the Caribbean?

skippered yacht charters
Skippered Yacht Charters in Salt Whistle Bay

 Cruise ship bargains are everywhere – from Costco to Facebook. Everywhere you look someone wants you to board a boat for your next vacation. It sounds good, doesn’t it? You can travel to different areas without ever unpacking, you don’t have to worry about where you’ll get your next meal, and everything you need is on the ship. Often the very thing you love about something is the thing you end up hating about it. Let’s take a look:

1. You don’t have to unpack. The cruise ship is like  a traveling hotel, you can unpack and go about your business. The trouble is, excursions on a cruise ship are limited and expensive. Why would you want to visit a quaint little village with 50 of your new best friends?

Skippered Charter Alternative (SCA): You can still unpack and settle in but when you embark onto a quaint little village it’s just you and a few of your closest friends (that you get to choose!) You don’t have to DESCEND onto the village like you are there to conquer their county. On a skippered charter, you drift in on your own personal yacht. Cruise ships, in general, are NOT good for the local economy of these little islands. People don’t spend money in the local restaurants if they can eat “for free” on the boat, souvenirs are sold on board and excursions are limited to who the cruise line has a contract with. Most of these boats pull up anchor before sundown so they don’t even have to pay for moorage!

2. Your next meal. How’s that going for ya? When there are HUNDREDS of people to feed an all-inclusive meal, how tasty do you think THAT will be? Do you remember in elementary school when they had to feed the masses? Why would you want that? Imagine joining the rest of the herd at the trough – not a good image!

SCA: You can choose a culinary throw-down on board or enjoy a romantic dinner on the beach. Imagine a cheeseburger in paradise off the stern of your own private yacht or a lobster BBQ by the moonlight with Bob Marley whispering in the distance. Enjoy your meal and don’t overindulge because you want to get your money’s worth! Dining ashore in the cozy atmosphere of a local restaurant allows you to relax on your own time – not by the ship’s stopwatch. Enjoy the ambiance and the  colorful culture of the islands!

3. Everything you need is on the ship. Well, even though it’s advertised as “all-inclusive” is it really? That fruity drink with the umbrellas in it – it’ll cost ya! Adult beverages are usually an additional cost on a cruise ship and the premium drinks come at a premium price. Again, excursions ashore are expensive and heavily regulated.

SCA: You can choose what you want to bring aboard, when you want to bring it aboard and when you want it served. Freeedom, sweet freedom! Besides, isn’t that why you go to exotic locations? To mix with the local culture and see what island life is really like?

LtD Sailing can help you can choose the perfect yacht for your customized trip – a romantic trip for two or a party of ten. It’s a great way to bring together the family or good friends. With planning, each couple can have their own living quarters with plenty of room for group gatherings as well as ample room to relax. LtD Sailing will help you plan your Caribbean sailing dreams – visiting the island of the rich and famous, sunning on a deserted island, or enjoying a full moon jump up with the locals!

Don’t be another number, another ant on the cruise ship hill. Choose to be the master of your fate, the captain of your soul!

advantages of skippered yacht charter
Secluded Harbor in St. Vincent and the Grenadines



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